
If you know how I am with birds...

...then you know that I have been crying my heart out since reading this.

I'm a member of a bird forum (go ahead, call me a dork). I read this post, and it shocked me beyond belief! I've read horrible stories of previous owners of parrots that are at rescues now... where they had mutilated and tortured their pets. This one so far, seems to have hit me the hardest. The story before I had read this one, was of an African Grey... the owner had purposely burned his feet off on the stove.

The fuckers that are doing this, need a serious check. If I ever, EVER, discover that one of my babies are harmed... that person or persons, WILL pay. I cannot fathom what this woman is going through, last I heard, the authorities haven't really looked into it- but are assuming that teenagers had done this.

Find them and FRY them- I have heard such awful stories from my father-in law's girlfriend. She works at a corrections facility w/juveniles... it's amazing how we cannot discipline kids anymore- they'll just cry "abuse!" I'm glad I was disciplined... kids nowadays would think I was treated horribly! Spoiled asshole kids.

Anyway, I don't want to be going off on that subject right now. Here's the post, my heart goes out to her:

"Well I am sitting here in tears, barely able to keep myself together. I haven't been here all weekend and finally I am mentally together enough to cope and post about this.

I came home Saturday morning to an open door and TWO empty cages. Someone broke into my home and stole my babies Smiley and Rajah. I called the police and they came over to check things out. They just did the whole questions and statement but told me that because they were just animals, odds are I could count them as gone. So the whole of Saturday and most of yesterday was spent in tears calling vets, the humane societies...any place I could think of that a macaw or an alexandrine might turn up. I watched CL like a hawk...

They knew what they were taking...as Smiley and Raj were the two WITHOUT legbands and couldn't be traced...

Sunday evening, the police called me to say that they had found two parrots lying dead on the street in Cupertino and wanted me to come in and check to see if they were mine. I got there and saw my two precious babies lying there in plastic bags and I broke down again.

It seems whoever stole them decided to abuse them first, pulling tail feathers out before breaking their necks. They just left them out like garabage. I was hoping and praying that they would turn up alive...and now I get to bury them outside today.

So excuse me if I seem to be not here mentally for a while...I am a firm believer in karma and whoever did this will be going to hell and will suffer before they do.

